Thursday, July 30, 2009

Realizing Your Dreams!

There are only about four things you need to do in order to create the life you have always dreamed of having! That's right FOUR! The first step is to know exactly where you are headed. This is the most important step because without direction, you efforts will often take you away from your ultimate life goals. As Stephen Covey always says, " Begin with the end in mind." Now that you now what you want, the next step is to find someone who already has created the life that you are looking to achieve. This person will become a mentor or model for you to study. Most commonly the things you are looking to accomplish have already been done before, so don't try to recreate the wheel if it already exists. By mimicking the actions of this already successful person you will be able to achieve your results faster and with less failures along the way. The third action you need to take is to take action. It does no good to study and understand what needs to be done in order for you to reach your goals if you do not take action to accomplish them. Always remember that the universe/world rewards action. So do not have paralysis by analysis. Take the appropriate actions toward your dream life. Lastly, now that you are moving toward your dream life you will need to constantly re-evaluate your progress in order to make sure that the things you are spending your time are moving you in the proper direction. This re-evaluation process is so important because often times you will find that you will need to adjust your efforts and maintain flexibility in order to achieve your ultimate aim. Good Luck. If you would like to learn more about achieving your ultimate life goals please go to

Monday, July 27, 2009

Spinal Phases of Degeneration

Misconception #1: The spine should only be adjusted if you are having back or neck pain.

This unfortunate theory that is extremely prevalent within our society is absolutely incorrect and in fact is actually dangerous for your health. In reality, every person's spine should be checked and maintained throughout life. In chiropractic we call this spinal hygiene. When the spine is not maintained throughout life degeneration and decay occurs. There are 3 phases of degeneration that occur as the spine breaks down. In a normal (healthy) spine, we should see curves in the neck, mid back and low back when looking at the spine from the side. In phase one of degeneration we see a generalized straightening of the spine. This is problematic because the curves are our primary defense against shock absorption. When our spine is straight we lose this ability to take on shock. Instead the forces from our daily activities are then transmitted to the spinal bones and to the discs. In phase two of degeneration we see that the discs begin to become smaller and smaller and bone spurring occurs around the spinal bones. If this process continues, phase three of degeneration occurs and the joints within the spine are completely destroyed. Bone on bone with lots of bone spurring is the final outcome. What is interesting is that age is not directly correlated with spinal degeneration. Instead, how well a person takes care of their spine has much more to do with how healthy their spine will remain. This means that maintaining great posture, regular exercise and consistent chiropractic checkups and adjustments are the key to spinal health over your life. If you would like a chiropractic spinal check up or are interested in chiropractic care please go to or and make sure to print off the online coupon for a your initial visit!

Friday, July 24, 2009

Balance Is The Best!

When you are attempting to create a healthy body, my best recommendation is to look for a balance between these six areas. Exercise(motion), Nutrition, Stress Management, Spinal Hygiene, Dental Hygiene and Sleep. The reason for the need to create balance between these areas is if you spend all of your time working on only one or two, you will still not be truly healthy. For example, if you weigh 400 lbs but you are receiving chiropractic adjustments and you are stress free, you are still sick! At my practice I stress the importance of all of these areas in an attempt to educate people on how to actually take care of themselves. Keep in mind that the most effective and efficient way in which to create health is to limit stressor's on the body and allow it's natural ability to heal itself to be expressed. If you are interested in learning more about how to eat, move and think, please go to or or please attend a workshop at A+ Family Chiropractic for free on Tuesday nights at 5:45 pm. Guests are always welcome and encouraged so please bring your family and friends!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

The Only Constant In Life

For some poeople one of the most difficult aspects of daily life is dealing with change. Others seem to relish in the never ending cycle of new challenges. If you find yourself being pulled under by stress related to change in your life, try to remember that change is necessary for growth and with growth comes wisdom and success. If you CHOOSE to see changes as opportunities for you to become a better person, stretch your character or better your career or family, change can become very exciting! In fact, I would argue that very successful people would actually become nervous or anxious if they are not experiencing change on a daily basis. Lately, I have felt like there is a clock in my head that is constantly counting down until the next change in my life. If the clock runs out, I know that I have not stretched myself enough for the good of my own success in my career or in my personal life. If this sounds familiar to you and your clock has run out, I suggest taking a look at your priorities in life and making a to do list that is focused specifically on obtaining your goals. This list I guarantee will push you toward change. Remember, the universe rewards action! If you are interested in creating a positive change in your health please go to or for more information.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

The Living Principle

The human body has an inborn ability to heal itself. An example of this amazing adaptation occurs when people who have been smoking cigarettes for 20 years decide to quit and that very day the body begins to heal the lungs. This ability to heal occurs in all living organisms and is known as the "Living Principle". Chiropractors and other "natural health care professionals" truly understand that there is no better way to create a healthy body than from within. As a chiropractor, people hire me to improve the communication and awareness between their brain and the rest of their body. This improved function allows the body's inborn ability to heal itself to be expressed or enhanced. My goal for treatment is never to cure the patient with a certain adjustment for a certain condition, rather I am attempting to free the body from the stress created from subluxation in the spine. When subluxations are corrected, amazing results can happen as the body's healing powers are released. To find out more about natural healing from the inside out, please go to or

Monday, July 20, 2009

Not All Chiropractors Are The Same!

Just like in every profession there are certain people within that vocation that you would rather work with versus others. The chiropractic profession is no different. Did you know that there are well over 200 different chiropractic techniques used within the United States? In fact, I would argue that there are many more. In my experience certain techniques work better than others for different patient complaints. To make this more confusing, certain chiropractors specialize in certain parts of the population. For example, some focus specifically on sports injuries, some on pediatrics or geriatrics, or even others focus on nutrition or pain management to name just a few. A couple of things I would suggest you consider when choosing a chiropractor are; did they take an x-ray? do they talk about the condition known as subluxation? are they specific with their adjusting or do they just adjust your whole spine every time? do you feel comfortable enough to relax completely when the chiropractor is adjusting you? If the answer to any of the above questions is "No" then you may want to consider changing chiropractors. Each of the aforementioned areas are vital to creating a great chiropractic experience. For more information on how to choose a great chiropractor please go to

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Nutrition Media Myth

I want to address a very common problem in today's society. Lately, I have been seeing and hearing in the media, ads and from so-called nutrition experts that certain foods are beneficial to eat because they are good for this disease or this part of our body's. Unfortunately, these folks are missing the point. Nutrtionally, all we need to do is supply our body's with the necessary nutrients in order to create health and then we don't have to worry about which food we take for our prostate or which food we should eat for improved hearing, etc... The healthiest people known to man kind, the hunter/gatherer tribes around the world who did not suffer from western lifestyle diseases, did not know that eating tomatoes which have lycopene in them would help to keep their prostate from growing inappropriately. All that they knew was to eat the fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds and wild game that was available to them. This plan worked for them and it definitely works in today's society if we are willing to make a sustained effort to stop buying the junk food, sugar, cokes and refined grains. Nutrition is easy. Make up your mind today and leave your health concerns behind you. To find out more about eating a diet that will maximize your life please visit today.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Continuing Education

Fact #1: You can never know enough about your body and how to keep it healthy.

Fact #2: Repetition and "top of mind" are the keys to staying motivated

I have learned these two truths through years of being educated about the human body. It seems like although I have learned about a topic within health many times before, as life happens, my once very pertinent knowledge, becomes lost or forgotten in the shuffle. That is why repeating health workshops and attending seminars is vital to maintaining the necessary drive for creating a thriving body. Always remember, you are never too old or too young to learn the proper way to maximize what God has given you. Do not procrastinate. You are the youngest you will ever be today. Take advantage of your current situation and better your odds in the future with the appropriate steps toward wellness. For more information on health workshops, maximized lifestyles and chiropractic please visit

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Repetition, Repetition, Repetition!

Something that I was reminded of today was the idea that repetition is the key to making gradual and progressive lifestyle changes. It is almost impossible to hear something once and believe it so profoundly that you never go back to your original habits. That is why it is vital to have someone in your life that keeps you on track. Kind of like a health coach, that is always reminding you about the things you already know to be true and giving you new information from which you can build upon as well. Every once in a while it is necessary to reignite your passion and devotion toward your health goals. If you are interested in making a long term and progressive change for the better please go to and learn more about changing your paradigm in regards to healthcare.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Preparing For The Future!

If you are beginning to think about becomming pregnant or if you are currently pregnant, now is the time to live the healthiest lifestyle you are capable of producing. New research is showing a direct correlation between the health of the parents and the health of the new born. This means that you should be taking your fish oil and probiotic supplements, getting daily exercise, managing your stress, receiving a regular chiropractic adjustment (especially the pregnant moms!) and eating a diet that is rich in fruits and vegatbles while limiting or cutting out the sugar and refined grains. This allows your offspring to experience the best possible environment for creating health for them! Do not start your child off by limiting their potential or making it more difficult for them to succeed. Do your part. If not for you, do it for your unborn child. If you are interested in creating the lifestyle that will maximize your childs potential please visit for more information.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Creating Your Reality!

Where you are today is exactly where your decisions have taken you. What I mean by this is we create our own reality. All of the choices we have made over our lifetime have lead us to exactly where we are today. How did you do? Are you happy with where you ended up, or would you change certain aspects of your life? If you would like to change some things or just improve on what you currently have, the great thing is, YOU CAN! Just as you have had the power to create your life in the past you definetly have the power to create the life you have always dreamed about in the future. Now that you know what you would like to improve upon in your life, set your goals with an end date in mind and begin your transformation! That is all there is to it. Good Luck! If you would like to learn more about creating the lifestyle you have always dreamed about please go to for more information.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Spinal Education

Fact:Your spine should be checked regularly throughout life, starting in the first few weeks of your life. Why you may ask? What problems could a child have with their spine at such a young age? The answer to this question is the birthing process. We all have this one act in common. The birthing process for the mother and the child is very traumatic even when done cesarian section. The earlier problems with the spine and nervous system are corrected the better chance the child has to maximize their true potential and avoid more serious problems throughout life. This idea goes back to the philosophy of creating a healthy body before waiting for symptoms to become present. To find out if your son or daughter may be appropriate for a chiropractic check-up please visit and click on the heading "children and chiropractic". At A+ Family Chiropractic we also offer family discounts in order to make having your entire family under regular chiropractic care much more affordable.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

An Ounce of Prevention Is Worth A Pound of Cure!

Prevention of illness is the most effective way in which to create a healthy population. Unfortunately our healthcare system is set up completely backward. What we have in place today should be called sickness care! We spend the majority of our healthcare dollars on medication and surgeries which are used to manage diseases that have already taken hold of our body's. I wonder what would happen if we changed our outlook on healthcare and spent the majority of our money on prevention through education? What do you think? I believe we would see a drastic decline in lifestyle diseases such as cancer, stroke, hypertension, diabetes, osteoporosis and obesity. We would also be setting a great example for further generations by showing them exactly how to create health rather than just telling them. For more information on how to become more proactive with your health please go to